Suparno and Wahyu Wirasati; " />
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Academic Performance Optimalization Model through Total Quality Development of Private University Management in Central Java to Face Global Competition

The same responsibility to educate Indonesian young generationlies on both private and
public Universities. However, due to the rapid growth of both Universities,tighter and higher
competition has been found. The lack of students entering private Universities (PTS) have
made many of them collapsed.Therefore, to face the tight competition, PTS need to concern
on some particular strategies to improve the number of students who enroll PTS. One of the
strategies is by improving the academic performance.This study was to develop an
optimalization model to improve academic performance in PTS through Total Quality
Management (TQM) Development in many PTS at Central Java. The data were obtained
from observation, questionnaire and in-depth formal and informal interviews to the lectures
and the head of PTS. The data were gathered purposively using sequenced mixed methods.
The study found thatthere was weak correlation between organizational culture, employee
motivation, job satisfaction, academic performance and TQM in PTS at Central Java.
Academic performance in PTS was stillworst with the index value of 3.94. Meanwhile,
TQM indicated the index valueof 3.99 which was in medium to good category. As a matter
of fact, it was necessary to build organizational culture, work motivation, job satisfaction to
optimize academic performance also there was necessary to be develop TQM in PTS. This
condition would be possibly happened along with the high commitment of the leaders,
academic staffs, as well as continuous monitoring and evaluation program to achieve
stakeholders’ satisfaction.
Elixir Edu. Tech. 80 (2015)
Academic Performance Optimalization Model through Total Quality Development of Private University Management in Central Java to Face Global Competition
APA Citation
Suparno and Wahyu Wirasati. (2015).Academic Performance Optimalization Model through Total Quality Development of Private University Management in Central Java to Face Global Competition.(Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from https://localhost/etd